Welcome to Mrs. Chapman's Classroom Page. I hope that you enjoy my class and if there is something that you are not enjoying, say it here! :) OR if there is something that I can help you with, I will be more than happy to do what I can to help you in any way possible. :) WELCOME TO MY CLASS! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

CAMT 2012 - Presentation

CAMT 2012 is HERE!!!! Wow, it really doesn't seem like it was a whole year ago that I was preparing for my presentation. CRAZY!!!

Ok, so this year I am presenting about SMART Notebook and all the fun stuff it can do for you in the MATH Classroom. :) Actually, lots of the information can be transferred to ANY Subject, not just math. :) I hope that all of the people who come to my presentation enjoy it and that you find the information easy to follow. :) I also hope that if you have any questions or need anything afterward that you contact me. :) Casey Chapman cchapman@lcisd.org

So...here's the link I promised to everyone in my presentation on where to go to find the presentation. I hope that it is helpful for you. :)

11:30 - 1:00 352D Casey Chapman & Deborah Kretschmer: Lamar CISD
881       Activity        6th - 8th Grade       Curriculum and Assessment

SMARTBoards and Beyond!

Have you ever wondered how the object moved when the student went to the board or how objects appear or disappear in a presenta-tion. Students will come alive as they participate in activities you designed that engages and motivates them. Detail explanations and examples will be given out and sample lessons for grades 6-8. Bring your lessons into the 21st century and beyond!

ALSO....just like I promised....here are some VERY COOL Links that we put together last year of SMART Lessons already created for you.  There are 4 links.  One for 6th, one for 7th, one for 8th and then one that is just games.  :)  We hope that it is helpful for you. :)

The original Post -

6th Grade Material -

7th Grade Material -

8th Grade Material -

Activity Games & Templates -

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today is President's Day and the students have off...

I am in a training learning new ways to teach Math and how to do it using technology. I am hoping that I will be able to keep up with my blog more from now until the end of the year.

Please let me know if you have any questions about anything in our class.


Mrs. Chapman